The Imperial Knee is a 3D printed plastic alternative that is affordable and accessible to developing countries; allowing people to take control of their disability, instead of relying on donations or test products.

This polycentric knee joint is made from modular, inexpensive components with bearings and parts that can be found in local repair shops, and easily repairable with minimal training required.

After conducting field research from hospitals in Tanzania, we were able to identify areas for development such as slimmer geometry, quieter joints, as well as improving the swing and feel of the resulting gait produced from the mechanism.
Project completed at:
ICL Blast Injuries Research Lab
Jaime Garcia (PM)
Grigoris Grigoriadis (Supervisor)
Research and Development
Mechanical Engineering
Rapid prototyping
6 months, 2018

The prototypes surpassed the stress requirements and the design has been given approval for further R&D in the Bioengineering department at Imperial College London.

© 2023 Douglas Mann
remind me to change on jan 1st pls :)